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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Photography workshop with individual approach. Combine your holiday in CZ with your favorite hobby - let me guide you to the best photo spots and teach you how to capture (not only) them literally in the best light! A one-to-one workshop is probably the best way to learn photography techniques that actually work in a simple, straightforward and entertaining way.

Interiors & Architecture
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Foto workshop JARNÍ MORAVSKÉ TOSKÁNSKO 24.-27.4.
Přidejte se k fotografickému workshopu ve fotogenické oblasti Moravského Toskánska, vyhlášené mezi fotografy po celém světě. Zde vznikají fotografie, které jsou mnohdy oceňovány ve fotografických soutěžích a které publikují mezinárodní magazíny. Zvláště koncem dubna jsou pak zelenající se pole ozdobena rozkvetlými sady a alejemi a dokonale tak vyniká tamější krása.

📷 Jako lektor vás budu provázet celým procesem focení od nastavení fotoaparátu až po pokročilou práci se světlem, prostorem a celkovou estetikou prostředí. Současně s vámi budu sdílet mé zkušenosti a tipy na použití fototechniky a další.

Co vás budu učit a co vám ukážu:
✅Jak nastavit fotoaparát pro zachycení krajiny
✅Práci s kompozicí, prostorem a světlem
✅Postupy jak fotit působivé krajinářské fotky
✅Osvědčené fotografické lokality Moravského Toskánska
✅Jak být ve správnou chvíli na správném místě
✅Kombinace teorie a praxe

Jarní Moravské Toskánsko 24.-27.4. 2025

Zatím mám stále volná místa, pokud tedy se mnou chcete zažít atmosféru jarního rozpuku v jedinečné oblasti Moravského Toskánska a posunout dále vaše focení, rád budu vaším průvodcem!


A newsletter makes more sense than ever in these days of overloaded social networks. This way, I will inform you about new workshops, video tutorials, blog articles, photos that I have recently published, including a more detailed description of their creation, as well as discounts, some of which I will offer exclusively to subscribers of my newsletter. Also, don’t worry about cluttering up your email inbox – it will only be an occasional newsletter (about once every 1-2 months).

Most of the photos are available in high resolution, some of them even in very high resolution (up to 80 MPx). It is therefore possible to print them in big formates like 90×60 cm and bigger. See more in the section Offer – Prints.
2019-01-03 11_52_26
For these purposes you can buy my digital photos in different resolutions and under different licenses, depending on the scale of particular use. See more in the Offer – Stock photos section.

[fwp_borano_title title=”Chtějte víc – staňte se mým mecenášem!” link=”|title:Patreon|target:%20_blank|” tag=”h3″ title_pos=”text-center” absolute_center=”0″ separator=”0″ title_color=”” extra_class=””]

Na tomto Patreon profilu zveřejňuji každou fotku dříve než kdekoli jinde. Zároveň tam můžete nahlédnout do mé “kuchyně” a zjistit jak pracuji se svými fotkami, podívat se na zákulisní záběry z různých focení a mnohem více – jednoduše, být mým mecenášem za to stojí!


I pursue the beauty of space through photography. Beauty and aesthetics are elements that intertwine with both of my focus – landscape photography and interiors and architecture photography.

I have a deep relationship with nature and landscape and I’m far from just photographing them. Just being there is uplifting for me and I find in it not only the beauty, but also a certain meditative dimension, calmness and connection. Similarly, I appreciate design and architecture, which also works with space, and the emphasis on beauty and aesthetics is its crucial part. In both cases, I focus on capturing all the important elements in the best possible way and emphasizing and multiplying in the photographs what nature or human hands has created.

Between 2015 and 2020, I worked as an Olympus (currently OM System) product specialist, whose cameras I use and with whom I continue to work as a lecturer and OM System Ambassador.


Stay informed !

A newsletter makes more sense than ever in these days of overloaded social networks. This way, I will inform you about new workshops, video tutorials, blog articles, photos that I have recently published, including a more detailed description of their creation, as well as discounts, some of which I will offer exclusively to subscribers of my newsletter. Also, don't worry about cluttering up your email inbox - it will only be an occasional newsletter (about once every 1-2 months).