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With the new year, I thought again about my further direction in photography (and others as well). I’ve been doing this quite often lately. I wonder what the value of photography is, what it can bring to the person looking at it and how can I be able to pass on impressions of the landscape and the moment?


For a long time, I’ve been wondering how to present photos to people. Honestly, I’m not exactly an Instagram fan. I take it as a necessary evil (and the number of my followers corresponds to that :-)). I pretty much dislike the way people see a photo on the phone display for about 5 seconds (if at all!), in which the brain quickly evaluates whether to give a “heart” or not. What’s the point of that? But I’ll write about that maybe some other time.

Slovenia – lake Bled

My thoughts at the turn of the year circled mainly around a lot of photos that I have ready for post-process, but at the same time I don’t consider them so good that they deserve to be placed individually in my “showcase”. Yet, at the same time they have something worth passing on. Atmosphere, mood or they tell something about the place and the moment… Someone could even see a bigger value in them, then in my traditional landscape photos. So for a long time I wondered what to do with them.

Winter Prague

One quality photo can convey a lot, even everything I listed above. Nevertheless, it can hardly provide greater insight into the place. It will show only the most aesthetic view (according to the author), but it also omits the path to it and various smaller nooks and gentle views of the landscape, which do not contain high elevation differences, big loose stones or dramatic weather. Series of photos can beautifully accompany one or two more spectacular photos and provide them with some background. The observer then has a greater opportunity to actually dive in and be drawn into the environment. Notice what looks like the forest through which leads the path to the rock from which the previous photo is; a creek meandering somewhere below the hillside on a next photo; a church whose spire rises in the distance and complements the landscape in another panoramic shot…


And that’s exactly what I would like to do – to convey a certain message about the landscape, to convey impressions from it and to draw in everyone who is looking at the photos. I believe that with the help of series of photos I will be able to get closer to this intention and that I will allow you to enjoy my photos of the landscape a little more. So, I invite you to see my series of photos here – .

Winter Prague

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